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Press release




For each purpose and pocket: the new DIGITUS Webcams


Lüdenscheid, 10th July 2012 – DIGITUS extended its product portfolio in the field of webcams. From „Easy“ and „Trendy“ over „HD“ up to „Wireless“ – there is always an appropriate webcam for each application.


“Name is program” with the DIGITUS „Easy“ Webcam (DA-71810). The camera can be placed quick and easy and is immediately ready for use. It is equipped with a CMOS sensor and has got a maximum resolution of up to 1280x960 pixels. There is a “Snapshot”-button, which secures the required picture within seconds.


The DIGITUS „Trendy“ Webcam (DA-71811) does not only live up to its name by its appearance. Features like a resolution of up to 5 Megapixel, auto-controlled LEDs which allow the camera to be used by suboptimal lighting conditions, as well as the focusing on required distances, convince unambiguously. Snapshots are also possible with this webcam. It is delivered with a special Magican-software, which enables the pictures to be optimized with special effects or frames.


High-quality eye contact is provided by the DIGITUS HD Webcam (DA-71813) with a resolution of up to 1080p. An extension of up to 16 Megapixel is possible through software interpolation. Another highlight of this webcam is the refresh rate of up to 30 pictures per second, which guarantees playback without any interruptions. The scope of delivery also includes the Magican-software, which allows to edit the pictures subsequently.


The DIGITUS USB 2.0 Wireless Webcam (DA-71814) is optimal for users, who want to abstain from cables. The data exchange with the 2.4-GHz-webcam is done via radio signal through a USB dongle. The rechargeable battery of the wireless webcam has got an operating time of up o five hours. The camera will be available in August.


All four webcams are immediately ready for use thanks to driverless installation.

Because of the universal mounting each model finds a secure and solid place at the LCD monitor or laptop.

Moreover, each webcam has got a USB 2.0 connection and a manual focus setting, as well as an integrated microphone. The cameras are suitable for the operating systems Windows 7, Vista and XP. (217/StB)


The recommended retail prices of the webcams:

  • Digitus „Easy“ Webcam DA-71810: 8.99 €
  • Digitus „Trendy“ Webcam DA-71811: 14.99 €
  • Digitus HD Webcam DA-71813: 27.59 €
  • Digitus USB 2.0 Wireless Webcam DA-71814: 24.99 €


If required, journalists can get a sample via the below-mentioned press contact.


Dealers get more information under www.digitus.info. The DIGITUS products are available at the known distributors.


About ASSMANN Electronic GmbH

ASSMANN Electronic GmbH was founded in 1969 in Lüdenscheid, Germany, as a manufacturer of connectors and adapters for internal and external computer cables. The DIGITUS® brand was established in 1994 and is now well-known in many markets for its “Best Value for Money” quality. Today the ASSMANN group owns branches in Austria, Switzerland, France, Croatia, Poland, China, Taiwan and Russia. The ISO-certified specialist in computer accessories and network solutions today supplies his products to IT distributors and key accounts worldwide. The major part of the product range consists of the DIGITUS® brand, which includes active and passive network components, KVMs, USB and Firewire products, cables, adapters and connectors, (S)ATA/SCSI products, peripherals, notebooks, PDAs, computer and multimedia accessories. For professional network solutions the company designed the brand DIGITUS® professional.

Please contact us for further information or images:


ASSMANN Electronic GmbH

Stefanie Bröder
Auf dem Schüffel 3 Tel.: +49 (0) 2351 554 - 660 s.broeder@assmann.com
58513 Lüdenscheid Fax: +49 (0) 2351 554 - 99 660 www.assmann.com
PR von Harsdorf
Elke von Harsdorf
Rindermarkt 7 Tel.: +49 (0) 89 189 087 333 evh@pr-vonharsdorf.de
80331 München Fax: +49 (0) 89 189 087 339 www.pr-vonharsdorf.de

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